This Week’s Question:
Part 2 of last week’s question.
“How do I turn off the negative thoughts and mental chatter in my mind so that I can move forward.”
This Week’s Answer:
Last week, I talked about what stops you from taking action when you go to do something new. Your brain says “OMG danger, danger, stop before we all die!”
It’s very dramatic.
In answer to the second part of this question:
First, we need to understand that there is no way to turn off the negative thoughts and mental chatter right away.
It is the mind’s job to look for what is missing.
The idea is that:
- You don’t judge the voice.
- You just notice it.
Your job is to:
Choose to notice the thoughts you’re thinking.
You take stock of the voice that’s trying to tell you that you’re not really ready or you’re not good enough. Don’t fight the voice, just observe it.
Here’s the thing, we are so conditioned to believe everything that we think. Then we just react over and over, and over…
Then we wonder why we feel bad and can’t get anything done.
By the way… that can change today if you choose it!
So, we may not notice a thought at the moment, but we will notice how we feel.
Science tells us that thoughts produce feelings… so if you’re feeling ‘crummy’… what are the thoughts you are thinking?
And then I want you to do something radical. I have my 1:1 clients do this, and initially, they resist. Then a couple of months later they do it, call me and tell me how life-changing this is.
I challenge you to… WRITE THEM DOWN!
You notice a thought that scares you.
You notice a thought that made you angry.
Notice a thought that comes up when you’re getting ready to make a sales call, or ask for the sale, or do the live stream.
It is telling you:
I don’t know enough.
I’m not ready.
What if someone doesn’t like it?
I’m not good enough.
Don’t try to sort the thoughts in your head.
Write them down and then decide if you even believe they’re true.
To recap so far:
Step 1: Notice the feeling
Step 2: What was I just thinking
Step 3: Write it down “My mind says…”
And then Step 4: Disprove it. Ask yourself the question, “do I know that this thought is 100% true?”
Sometimes your mind is going to create a really convincing story as to why you can’t do something. Made up stories… SIGNALING YOU TO STOP!
My job as a coach is to motivate you, to have your back, to ignite that desire in you. I believe all you need is to create momentum…then witness all that you are capable of.
If you’re ready to begin reprogramming the way your brain thinks of you…
You can start by registering for this month’s challenge.
It is a 5-Days to Greater Confidence Challenge.
Over the course of 5 days, I share daily prompts. This will include concrete exercises, practices, challenges, and tools that are rooted in cognitive science.
Meaning, they are designed – proven – to reprogram your brain and change your thoughts.
Believing in YOU!
Christine Marie
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are a couple of ways I can help you grow YOUR business:
Join other like-minded small business owners in my TuneIn TurnUp Transform group! Allow us to be a place to share ideas, get advice and training, and meet others who value truth and growth!
Work with me PRIVATELY to take you from stuck to generating a consistent multiply 6-figures income. Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on, and I’ll get you further details!